Dr. Seuss Canceled: Why Your Digital Footprint Matters

March 2, 2021
3 min read
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Photo of author Dr. Seuss, a little boy in a library, and the cover of a Dr. Seuss book titled, "If I Ran the Zoo." The word "canceled" is written across the entire image in red.

(Main image From The Library of Congress.)

6 Dr. Seuss books will no longer be published

As our world evolves and not only embraces but celebrates all communities and races, there have been many news headlines lately that expose people’s anti-Semitism and racist past remarks and actions either online or in published works. Today’s news establishes yet another example of how past actions can come back to haunt you: Six Dr. Seuss books will not be published due to their racist and hurtful remarks and innuendos. The books are:

  • "And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street"
  • "If I Ran the Zoo"
  • "McElligot's Pool"
  • "On Beyond Zebra!"
  • "Scrambled Eggs Super!"
  • "The Cat's Quizzer"

Seuss Enterprises expressed in a statement that they decided to no longer publish these books as a commitment to make certain their catalog 'represents and supports all communities and families.'

Theodore Seuss Geisel, author of these books and several other worldwide famous children’s books including “The Cat and the Hat” and “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”, has been scrutinized in recent years for his other past works throughout the mid-1900s.

When he was in college at Dartmouth, for example, he wrote pieces that suggested Jewish people were stingy and portrayed Black boxers as gorillas.

Your words matter

Social media is still considered a “new” tool that gives everyone the chance to exercise their right to freedom of speech if they choose to, which can be both empowering and dangerous. Consider this: You might have a completely different opinion and perspective of life than you did five, six, seven years ago. Unfortunately though, just because you think differently now doesn’t mean those words aren’t published online for the world to see.

This is a reminder that what you say matters. Your words can hurt people, and you can hurt yourself by damaging your reputation. Always think before you post and consider going through your old posts to ensure they align with your present-day values.

Once something is posted online, it can be hard to remove. Recruiting firms and human resource specialists will often search for information on the web to help evaluate candidates. Unlike your resume or your performance in a job interview, this is an element of the process over which you may have no control. You might not even know these issues exist in cases where someone else has posted something about you online without your consent. Unfortunately, it’s also an area that could cost you your dream job, even if every other aspect of your application was perfect.

Your digital reputation for how you present yourself online can follow you around, causing unforeseen consequences for years to come. Get help removing harmful information you’ve posted online.

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