Get One-on-One Help with Your Lost or Stolen Wallet

December 9, 2019
2 min read
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A young woman looking for something in her handbag as she sits on outside stairs.

Your wallet is one of the most important and personally sensitive items you possess. But it can also be one of the easiest items to misplace. Paying at the grocery store or the gas station? You might forget it on the counter. Sitting down in a theater seat? It could slip out of your pocket. And let’s not forget that thieves are always watching for an opportunity to steal your wallet when you’re not looking.

Protect yourself

If your wallet does get lost or stolen, there are a few things you can do to help protect yourself.

  • Don’t carry your Social Security card in your wallet unless you absolutely need it that day.
  • Avoid keeping multiple credit/debit cards in your wallet at the same time.
  • Nix the notion of storing your wallet in your car. Otherwise, a vehicle break-in could have even greater repercussions.
  • Get into the good habit of checking that you have your wallet before you leave a location.

Even if you take these precautions, it’s impossible to guarantee that your wallet will be safe. Luckily for you, IDShield can help distress the situation. As an IDShield Member, you have exclusive access to assistance in case your wallet goes missing.

  • We are available 24/7 for emergencies.
  • We monitor the dark web to make sure your information doesn’t show up for sale.
  • We provide your monthly credit report to watch out for a mysteriously changing credit report.
  • We offer an unlimited guarantee to restore your identity to its pre-theft status.

We’ll walk you through what you need to do, every step of the way.Losing your wallet along with the sensitive information within it can be stressful, but it doesn’t mean you have to spend hundreds of dollars and several months to restore your identity yourself. Let IDShield help you protect your identity and get your information restored.

IDShield is a product of Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. d/b/a LegalShield (“LegalShield”). LegalShield provides access to identity theft protection and restoration services. For complete terms, coverage and conditions, please see an identity theft plan. All Licensed Private Investigators are licensed in the state of Oklahoma. This is meant to provide general information and is not intended to provide legal advice, render an opinion, or provide any specific recommendations.

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